Picture & Prose

Pre-requisites to the Human Chain

It’s worth a reminder that advertising has long flirted with the aesthetics of collective activism, stirring our inner insecurities and hopes for a better future with the purchase of a perfect ice cold beverage. While it is easy to lament the mis-steps of Kendall Jenner, no stranger to the exploitation of personal or collective fame, one might do better to examine a history of advertising designed to co-opt and manipulate idealism.

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Questions of Scale

These proximities and distances are at times difficult to reconcile, bringing into view the incommensurable economies of the image. I own two of Abongile’s drawings; I am not his only collector. I wonder what the work would perform if placed inside one of the exhibition spaces. Would this disrupt the fragile economy in which it already exists?

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Creepy Crawly
Rosa Lyster

Today adjective presents the first installation of Picture & Prose, a new section dedicated to experimental writing that takes it cue from an image of the authors choosing.

Here’s Rosa Lyster: “I couldn’t work or write or do anything normal at all. I was fully, fully convinced that I had fucked up my entire life. I knew this was not rational, but I could not help it. ‘Why didn’t you try and get a job?’ you say. No. If I tried to get a job, I would fail, and then everyone would know that I was doomed”.

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